ThermoTerra is a start-up company that develops heating and cooling technology based on a novel source of renewable energy. At the base of the development is an idea that was awarded a grant from the Israeli Ministry of National Infrastructures.
The company was founded in 2015 and comprises seven staff members, including two PhDs in physics, product designers, economists and environmental entrepreneurs. The company has a patent application approved by the PCT and another two provisional patents.
In times where hundreds of billions of dollars are invested annually in renewable energy, it is surprising that there is a source of energy that is not used. Until now, we have learned to use the energetic potential that exists between many opposites such as high and low, hot and cold or between charge and lack of charge. Among these, there is a pair of opposites that has been overlooked: dry and humid.
Our challenge was to realize that energetic potential. Work has been done in the field before us and there has been a limited success in generating movement from this energy. One of our innovations is bypassing electricity production and using humidity fluctuation directly for heating, cooling and humidity balancing.
The challenge we have taken is not only to show and quantify the physical feasibility but also to show how this form of energy can power different products in our daily life.
For that we are looking for innovative companies having the desire to give their customers the best in terms of technology, efficiency, well being and environment caring.

We at ThermoTerra love innovation and technology and yet we are aware of the negative impact humankind is making on our natural resources and life around us. It does not have to be that way. Technological progress can do the opposite, reducing our ecological footprint. Moreover, an understanding of natural cycles can enable us to use them and become a part of them, thus creating a positive footprint that enables more life to exist around us. This is our search,and it began with the way we live. We have been researching and promoting the use of appropriate sustainable technologies for years, and some of us even live in energy-efficient homes. In fact, our research began while looking for ways to heat my home that was not connected to the electricity grid.
We recognize the change in consciousness that is taking place in the world towards a more fulfilling life and understand that this change in consciousness also requires a change in technology. More and more people are asking not only where their energy comes from and if it is a renewable source of energy but also, what is the life cycle of the technology that harvests it. We are joining that technology and conscious change, and presenting a new technology based on natural cycles that uses natural and safe materials, with a worldview that understands our position within the ecosystem.